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Brain neoplasms and the base of the skull

» Glioma
» Meningioma
» Metastasis
» Pituitary Tumor
» Schwanoma



» Aneurysm
» Cavernous angioma
» Arteriovenous malformation

Pain and Functional


» Cancer pain
» Cervical, thoracic and lumbar pain
» Pain after avulsion of the brachial plexus
» Trigeminal neuralgia
» Facial hemispasm
» Spasticity


Peripheral Nerves


» Neural sheath neoplasms
» Compressive neuropathies

Changes in Cerebral Hydrodynamics


» Hydrocephalus in adults
» Pseudotumor
» Arachnoid cyst


Spine and Spinal Cord


» Protrusions and hernias of the intervertebral disc
» Spondylosis, stenosis and spondylolisthesis
» Fractures
» Benign and malignant tumors

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